- Date Fibers
- Date Proteins
- Date Juices
- Date Syrup
Thin juice is extracted on the syrup line in a specified process, which is further treated in separation equipment. In the interest of a greater level of sugar extraction, separation of fibers is in two stages. Treated thin juice is concentrated on a two-stage evaporator. The capacity of the evaporating equipment has been chosen so as to ensure evaporation times equal to 50% of the operation time of the syrup line, i.e. as being ideal for one shift operation.
Concentrate syrup of 70 – 72 ° Bx leaving the evaporator enters into the sterilizer, from where it may be immediately filled in drums, or sent to intermediate storage. In case of liquid sugar production, the juice line of the dibis (date extract) production technology has to be supplemented with the so-called lime-milk preparation system, for clarification of the thin juice. Juice treatment in its other details is principally in correspondence with that in dibis production. An ion exchanger unit must here be included between the juice line and the evaporator to ensure de-coloration and entire demineralization. This ion exchange unit includes the juice post-filter and the chemical reagents tanks and pumps for regeneration.
Juice from the ion exchange unit enters the evaporator unit, which is identical with that used in dibis process line. Sterilization and intermediate storage are also identical for the two technologies.
To be able to establish a modern date processing complex with the capacity of 1000 to 4000 KGPH of date liquid sugar (DLS), you need to invest 6 to 11 Million USD for the 1st class ITALIAN and GERMAN equipment, 400k USD for the technology, know-how and training services. While you can easily add the complementary animal feed processing, pelleting and blocking plant with our patented drying technology with approximate budget of 2.2 Million USD.